It was a hit with children and adults alike, and even today manages to inspire films that still feature the iconic yell of "Aaaaalviiiiin!" to the delight of fans old and new. Whether you were into the program as a child or your own children have taken to Alvin and his brothers, cheering for him, Simon and Theodore and try not to get sucked in yourself, it was a great era of television. Its appeal to Hollywood only cements this further.

Cast and Characters
Voices- Ross Bagdasarian, Sr. as Alvin, Simon, Theodore, David Seville
- Shepard Menken as Clyde Crashcup
- June Foray as Mrs. Frumpington and other female voices
- Bill Lee
- Johnny Mann
- Lee Patrick
The Chipmonks - Alvin
- Simon
- Theodore
- David Seville
- Clyde Crashcup
- Mrs. Frumpington
Broadcast History
First Telecast:October 4, 1961Last Telecast: September 12, 1962
Number of Episodes: 26
Number of Seasons: 1
Original Network: CBS
- October 4, 1961- September 1962, CBS, Wednesday 7:30-8:00pm
Theme Song and Opening Credits
This is the Alvin Show,
The Alvin Show,
You'll positively gonna love the Alvin Show.
There's Dave Seville,
And what is more
Here's the boy we know as Theodore.
Now you see,
On camera three,
The brother known as Simon on the family tree.
And here's the star of the show,
Alvin, Alvin!
(musical interlude)
Spoken: I am Clyde Crashcup
Spoken: Clyde Crashcup, the great inventor.
Ready, here we go,
Here's the Alvin Show.
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