Hogan's Heroes is a sitcom that aired on CBS from 1965 to 1971 set at a German prisoner of war camp during the World War II. Bob Crane had the starring role as Colonel Robert E. Hogan, who coordinated an international crew of Allied prisoners running a Special Operations group from the camp. The program also featured Werner Klemperer as Colonel Wilhelm Klink, the commandant of the camp, and John Banner as the inept sergeant-of-the-guard, Schultz.

Hogan's Heroes Cast

Stalag 13, a German prisoner-of-war camp officially run by the naive and inept Colonel Wilhelm Klink and his obese, bumbling assistant, Sergeant Hans Schultz. Unofficially, events and camp life are manipulated by Colonel Robert Hogan, U.S. Army Corps, senior officer in camp. Assisted by inmates LeBeau, Newkirk, Carter, Kinchloe, and Baker. Hogan, under the code name Papa Bear, conducts vital missions for the allies. Through phone taps, underground escape routes, radio contacts, and custom tailoring, the prisoners assist Allied fugitives and secure top-secret information for their superiors.

Cast & Characters

  • Bob Crane as Col. Robert Hogan
  • Werner Klemperer as Col. Wilhelm Klink
  • John Banner as Sgt. Hans Schultz
  • Robert Clary as Louis LeBeau
  • Richard Dawson as Peter Newkirk
  • Ivan Dixon as Sgt. James Kinchloe (1965-1970)
  • Kenneth Washington as Sgt. Richard Baker (1970-1971)
  • Larry Hovis as Sgt. Carter
  • Cynthia Lynn as Helga (1965-1966)
  • Sigrid Valdis as Hilda (1966-1970)

Broadcast History

First Telecast: September 17, 1965
Last Telecast: July 4, 1971
Original Network:  CBS
Number of Seasons: 6
Number of Episodes: 168
Original Primetime TV Schedule:
  • September 1965- September 1967, CBS, Friday 8:30-9:00pm
  • September 1967- September 1969, CBS, Saturday 9:00-9:30pm
  • September 1969- September 1970, CBS, Friday 8:30-9:00pm
  • September 1970- July 1970, CBS, Friday 8:30-9:00pm

Theme Song & Opening Credits

Watch opening credits:

Listen to theme song:

Hogan's Heroes on DVD

Hogan's Heroes Trivia

In the mid 1950s, Bob Crane had the #1 radio show in Los Angeles, CA. He interviewed such stars as Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, and Mary Tyler Moore.

Richard Dawson (Newkirk) went on to host the Family Feud TV show, one of the most successful games shows of all time!

Werner Klemperer and John Banner who played the German soldiers Klink and Schultz on Hogan's Heroes, were, in fact, both Jewish. Werner Klemperer fled Nazi Germany and served in the U.S. military during World War II. John Banner spent time in a concentration camp, but was released and fled the country. Robert Clary (LeBeau) also spent years in a concentration camp as a child.

Hogan's Heroes was nominated for 5 Emmys and won 2.

Bob Crane was found murdered in a Scottsdale, Arizona motel room in 1978. The murder was never solved.

Larry Hovis (Carter) also had regular cast roles on "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C." and on the "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In".